Process for Medicare Enrollment
We address three different situations below. Bear in mind, Social Security manages Medicare enrollment and transactions.
Situation 1 – You are turning 65 and you are already receiving Social Security Income
Social Security will mail your Medicare card to you three months before the month of your birthday. You do not need to do anything to enroll— you already have been enrolled.
Situation 2 – You are turning 65 and you are not already receiving Social Security Income.
Call Social Security to set up an appointment to enroll in Medicare Parts A and B by phone or an office appointment (if available).
In the Lynchburg area, call (866) 964-6142
In the Roanoke area, call (866) 701-8179
Apply online at
First, create an SSA account.
Second, create a account. Here you will select to receive Medicare Parts A and B. You will also have an opportunity at this point
to elect to receive Social Security Income.
Situation 3 – You are past age 65 and want to enroll in Medicare Part B.
Print these Social Security forms:
CMS Application for Enrollment in Part B (CMS form 40B)
CMS Request for Employment Information (CMS form L-564/R297)
Once you complete these forms, fax them together to the Social Security Administration nearest you the month prior to the desired effective.
For Lynchburg, VA area: 833-650-2284
For Roanoke, VA area: 833-912-2328
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